Electrical Safety Certificate

Whether you are a homeowner or a landlord, the electrical safety of your property is essential. A regular electrical safety certificate inspection carried out in your property provides you and your tenants with peace of mind.

We at Heaven Estate work with thousands of landlords across the UK for this essential service. We inspect both residential and commercial properties. We connect qualified electricians to the landlords who are seeking electricity inspection and following which they obtain Electrical Safety Certificate.  Our team does an initial assessment of your necessity, based on that they try to understand the requirement and examines the connections based on the required standards. After the successful assessment of the entire process, you are issued with a report and a certificate. The cost of the certificate depends on the size of the property.

Though obtaining an Electrical Safety Certificate is not a legal compulsion for all property owners, yet it is worth possessing one keeping the safety of your tenants and family in mind.  However, if your property is in HMO (House of Multiple Occupation) then an electrical safety certificate is a legal requirement.

We, Heaven Estates have appointed registered electricians to carry the entire inspection process with utmost care following the electrical standards in the UK. The electricians check the potential risks in the fuse box, lighting, earthing, sockets, etc. before handing over the certificate to you.


Interested in our Electrical Safety Certificate services?

Get in touch with us and we can help you